Pansies II, 2017, oil on panel, 12″ x 12″.
Pansies II, 2017, oil on panel, 12″ x 12″.
Still Life with Honeybees, 2017, oil on panel, 16″ x 20″. COMISSIONED
Declaration of Independence, 2017, oil on linen, 24″ x 20″.
Josie, 2017, oil on canvas, 20″ x 16″. COMMISSIONED
Still Life with Practice Guilt, 2017, oil on masonite panel, 8″ x 6″.
The Frog Prince, 2017, oil on linen, 24″ x 18″. (After Rubens’ Honeysuckle Bower, 1609.)
Not Far From the Tree, 2016, oil on masonite panel, 8″ x 6″.
Fish Face, 2016, oil on masonite panel, 11″ x 14″. SOLD
Study of a Bust by Carpeaux, 2016, oil on masonite panel, 14″ x 11″.
Comet, 2016, oil on masonite, 14″ x 11″. COMMISSIONED